Begin your journey as a Business Owner by joining the 📍 MAKE AN IMPACT program, a free 5 Week Entrepreneur Program - START with an idea and PITCH to the Orange County Network, in partnership with North Orange County Community College District, A. Cathleen Greiner PHD and Vital Link
Registration for Session 1 (11/4-12/9) ends soon (10/31)!🚨
Claim the last 10 spots left in Session 1 (11/4-12/9/2023) or register for Session 2 (1/20-2/17/2024): (spots are filling up quickly so make sure to register with friends for the same session)
Whether you are currently attending or recently graduated High School, Community College, or University in Orange County, take advantage of the FREE program and learn how entrepreneurship can make a difference in your career, and benefit the community around you. No experience necessary.
We'll be bringing in some exciting mentors and guest speakers, reaching across industries to provide entrepreneurship resources for founders apart of the program!
Learn the basics of starting your own company, including business model development, financial management, market research, project management, and pitch delivery through accessible weekly VIRTUAL sessions & participate in the IN PERSON demo day in just 5 weeks.